RFU6406DC 193Litre Fridge/Freezer
The 6406 has a total volume of 193Litres. This model has 142Litres of Fridge space on the Top and 51Litre of Freezer space on the Bottom.
The 6406 uses dual compressors compared to the other refrigerators that only use a single compressor. This allows individual control between the Fridge and the Freezer.
The unit also features a heavy duty sliding drawer for the freezer area.
Positive latch system
Storage for tall bottles
Reversible door swing
Replaceable door panels for a custom finish to your interior
Freezer sliding drawer with heavy duty drawer slides
Dual BD3.5 compressors
Backed with Nova Kool’s Easy 2 Year Warranty Program on all components
Environmentally sound 134a refrigerant
CFC free urethane foam insulation in cabinet and doors
Magnetic door gaskets for positive seal
Stainless fasteners & hinges used condenser
Low battery protection to help prevent full discharge of batteries
All Nova Kool Refrigerators and Freezers are equipped with a highly efficient variable speed SECOP BD (Formerly Danfoss) series compressor that is designed to run even while you are listed at a 30 degree angle